When Does the I-9 Form Need to be Completed

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A company needs to stay on top of its payroll and documentation to make sure that business is handled correctly. This allows companies to handle their legal matters while also avoiding any sort of Human Resources (HR) issue. This is part of the reason that payroll is a $66 billion industry that so many companies rely on.

The I-9 form is one of the most important things that you need to know.

Here’s what you need to know about the I-9 form and how to complete it correctly.

What Is the I-9 Form?

Before anything else, you need to understand what the I-9 form is. This is the form that companies have new employees fill out before they can start getting paid.

This is a form for employment eligibility verification so that the person you’re hiring is legally able to gain employment in the United States. Companies should make sure that they have people fill out this form before taking someone on as an employee.

Understanding the purpose of I-9s will help you stay diligent and organized so that your company can move forward productively.

What Sections of the I-9 Does The Employee Complete?

It’s important that the I-9 form gets filled out correctly. Double and triple-check every box to make sure that nothing was skipped and that everything is filled out in full and without error.

There are a few different I-9 sections, including employee information and attestation, employer review, and revivification.

In section one, the employees will need to correctly fill out their first, middle, and last names, social security number (SSN), addresses, and other information.  Then the employee will be required to attest to their citizenship status.

It is important that the employee signs his or her form as well.

And lastly, the employee should complete the Preparer and/or Translator Certification.

In addition to completing the form, the employee is required to provide his or her employer with at least one document to validate the information they have provided.  The I-9 contains a list of acceptable documents, and the employer should not ask the employee to specifically provide any of the listed documents.

The employee should not be asked to complete the I-9 form prior to accepting a job offer, but no later than their first day of work.

What Sections of the I-9 Does The Employer Complete?

The employer completes the remainder of the I-9 form, beginning with Section 2.  Here the employer should enter the employee’s name and citizenship status at the top of the page.  Using the document(s) provided, the employer should then complete either List A or List B and List C.

The final step for the employer is to complete the certification section.  The employer is asked to input the date they are completing the form, as well as the employee’s date of hire.  The I-9 should be completed within three days of the employee’s date of hire.

By taking the time to fill out these sections in detail, the form will be more likely to go through without error.

What Are Some Penalties for I-9 Violations?

It’s also important that you understand the penalties that are in place for mistakes or violations. First, make sure that you have the current I-9 form and that you give your new employees plenty of time to fill it out.

As an employer, you’re forbidden from discriminating against employees based on nationality, ethnicity, and any other reasons. Employers are also forbidden from knowingly hiring someone ineligible or foregoing the process altogether.

Whenever these violations occur, a company can be held liable and subject to civil fines. By understanding these penalties, a company can stay on track with this paperwork and hire whatever payroll help they need to make sure that I-9s are always filled out in full and correctly.

Hire a quality HR department or outsource this work to some payroll professionals that understand the ins and outs of I-9s and other documents.

Understanding I-9 Documentation Requirements

These tips will help you out when you need to learn more about properly handling your I-9 form. Let this guide serve as your starting point so that you are able to get new employees onboard in a prompt fashion.

Valor Payroll Solutions can help you with your I-9 forms and other services. You can contact us on our site or call ‪(918)860-2708.

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Christina Hageny

President - Valor Payroll Solutions

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