How Do I Know If I Need an Electronic Timekeeping System?

How do your employees keep track of their time and report it? Emails, punch cards, and paper reports are a thing of the past.

If you haven’t opted for an electronic timekeeping system yet, you could be wasting valuable time and resources on outdated methods.

Here are five reasons an electronic timekeeping system is ideal for your business, regardless of what it is.

1. Accuracy

First and foremost is for accuracy. Human error is always a part of business, but requiring employees to log in to computers through a timekeeping system before they can access their work is a more secure way to keep track of when they start and stop their work.

Using electronic timekeeping systems also helps payroll know precisely how much time each employee worked.

This method helps with accountability for employees as it’s no longer left up to their memory to remember exactly how many hours they worked, breaks they took, etc.

Your workforce is your most considerable business expense. Because of this, being as accurate as possible in reporting time cuts back inappropriate expenses.

2. Greater Efficiency

No more manual timekeeping system options. Streamlining even your timekeeping process can cut back on wasted time throughout your business processes.

Directly import timekeeping data for payroll. Reduce overhead, frustration, and error.

Timekeeping software frees up time and employee focus for more lucrative endeavors.

3. Enhance Trust

Allowing employees to see time in an electronic system improves their trust in supervisors. Those seeking to move up can more accurately indicate the exact number of hours they have put in to deserve that promotion.

Accountability also improves honesty.

Employees are less likely to “fudge the numbers” if they are required to log in and out to even access their work. Additionally, they are motivated to use breaks and time off more wisely as every minute is accounted for.

4. Relieve Payroll

You don’t have to be an accountant to understand the stress associated with completing payroll. These fantastic accountants keep track of numberless records and are responsible for payments affecting every individual at your company.

Make their job easier by allowing them to do away with paper records and correspondence with individuals to make sure hours are properly logged.

An electronic timekeeping system allows them to easily access time reports, avoid human errors, and encourage employees to view their own records online instead of waiting days for accounting to have time to respond to requests.

5. Ensure IRS Compliance

Protect yourself and your business by using electronic timekeeping software to store all your data in one secure location. If the IRS or State Office for Payroll Compliance does pay you a visit, you’ll be ready!

With an electronic timekeeping system, you can better protect employee security and avoid sticky employee disputes.

Save yourself serious fines for improper handling of private employee data or troubling disputes.

Choosing the Right Timekeeping System

If you’re ready to improve productivity and precision in your business, start with timekeeping. With help from our team of consultants, we can get you situated with the perfect timekeeping system to suit all your needs.

Reach out to us today for help answering all your payroll, timekeeping, or HR questions. A happy and efficient workforce is invaluable.

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Picture of Christina Hageny

Christina Hageny

President - Valor Payroll Solutions

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